We have exciting new Volunteer Opportunities at Scotty's House! Whether you have a few hours a week to Volunteer, or a few hours a month, we have several options available for you to help make a difference in the lives of the children in our community.
Here are a few of our Volunteer Opportunities:
Family Care Coordinator
Family Care Coordinators (FCC’s) welcome clients and their non-offending family members to Scotty’s House. FCC’s appropriately interact with families to provide comfort and support while maintaining client confidentiality. FCC’s provide supervision for clients of Scotty’s House in a fun, child friendly playroom or playground setting. In addition, FCC’s also provide supervision for clients at counseling sessions, as well as play therapy support for our counselors. Orientation and training is required. FCC’s must be available during the week, usually between the hours of 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., however some after hours and weekend shifts may be available on an on-call basis.
Administrative Team
Administrative Team members are responsible for general office duties such as filing, copying, answering telephones and assisting visitors. Additional duties may apply, depending upon need. Orientation and training is required. Administrative Team members must be available during the week, usually between the hours of 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Scotty’s House Ambassadors
Scotty’s House Ambassadors are responsible for representing Scotty’s House at health fairs and various related events by distributing materials and answering questions about our services. Ambassadors also deliver presentations to various civic groups on behalf of Scotty’s House in order to educate and inform the community about our services. Orientation and training is required. Opportunities for Scotty’s House Ambassadors can be either during the week or on the weekends.
Special Event Volunteers
Responsibilities for Special Event Volunteers vary, depending upon the specific project. Projects may include, but are certainly not limited to: center wish list item drive, grounds improvement, decorating for seasons/holidays, community involvement (representing Scotty’s House at charity walks, candlelight vigils, etc.), and other events involving the center. Orientation is required. Participation as a Special Event Volunteer is on an as-needed basis. Volunteers interested in this opportunity can contact Scotty’s House to learn more about upcoming events and how to register.
Scotty’s House Care Committee
Care Committee Volunteers are responsible for providing breakfast, lunch or snacks (depending upon time of day) for meetings with local agencies that work with Scotty’s House. Care Committee Volunteers are responsible for purchasing and delivering meals for meetings, such as MDT, DEC and other meetings as they are scheduled. This opportunity is available to our Volunteers in the surrounding counties as well. Orientation is required. Care Committee Volunteers must be available during the week, usually between the hours of 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., however some after hours shifts may be available.
Additional Volunteer Opportunities
If there is something you enjoy doing, (for example photography, scrapbooking, painting, etc.), please consider donating your talents to Scotty’s House. We appreciate the time and unique skills of all our Volunteers, and we understand that not every person who is interested in volunteering for our agency has the time or ability to commit to weekday or weekend hours.
Furthermore, as Scotty’s House continues to expand its services to the community and grows to meet the demands of our clients, additional Volunteer Opportunities will become available. In the future, once we have relocated to our new facility, there may be a need for Volunteers to assist with activities such as art therapy or animal therapy programs. We will continue to update our opportunities for Volunteers, so be sure to stay in contact with us.
For more information about our Volunteer Program, please email me at scottyshouse@ymail.com or give me a call at 979.775.4695. I look forward to hearing from you!