Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Building Update!

Whew! Things are really moving along at our new building!
Here's an update on all of the amazing progress:

Our new drive way is coming along nicely.

We have a roof - with shingles!!

Plumbing! Yay for plumbing!

More plumbing in the medical rooms.

A/C & Heating Ducts

More A/C & Heating.

The Electricians have been busy!

Be sure to check back often for more updates.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2nd Annual Children's Charity Walk a HUGE Success!

Scotty's House would like to thank all of the wonderful members of MOMS Club for their hard work and continued support of Scotty's House. The 2nd Annual Children's Charity walk was a HUGE success!! We appreciate all of the amazing support of our community.
For more information and photos, please visit the Children's Charity Walk blog at

Thank you to MOMS Club for all these great photos of the event!