Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our Volunteers ROCK!

It's no secret.... We have the BEST Volunteers here at Scotty's House! They are an amazing group of hard working, dedicated and extremely talented people, and we truly appreciate all the wonderful things they do for our agency. So, to show our gratitude, we held a "Volunteers ROCK" Sock-Hop for our team on Wednesday, April 28th. We enjoyed tasty burgers grilled by none other than Scotty's House's own Nick Canto and there were dreamy coke and rootbeer floats for dessert. There was plenty of great 50's rock-n-roll music and a whole lot of hula-hooping. Well, there was a whole lot of "trying" to hula-hoop...
Scotty's House would like to thank all the fabulous Volunteers that make our agency so successful. You are so special to us, and we adore each and every one of you. THANK YOU!!


For more photos from our Sock-Hop, visit our Facebook page:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Local Library and Bookstore Displays

The theme for this year's National Library Week was "Communities Thrive @ Your Library". Since April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, Scotty's House partnered with several local public libraries, as well as local bookstores to present book displays highlighting happy families, healthy relationships and strategies to avoid child abuse and domestic violence. Book displays were assembled at the Bryan, College Station, Navasota and Caldwell public libraries. In addition to the library displays, book selections, along with agency brochures and bookmarks, were displayed at both Hasting's bookstores (Bryan and College Station) and Barnes & Noble's Bookstore in College Station. We encourage all of you to check out the displays through the end of April.

Book display at the Larry J. Ringer Public Library, College Station.

Book display at the Clara B. Mounce Public Library, Bryan

Book display at the Harrie P. Woodson Memorial Library, Caldwell.


Monday, April 19, 2010

25th Annual 'Rock the CASA' was a HUGE Success!!

THANK YOU to all the wonderful runners, walkers, organizers and volunteers that helped make this year's 'Rock the CASA' 5K such an amazing success!! The women of Kappa Alpha Theta held the 25th annual 5k run/walk on Saturday, April 17th and presented Scotty's House and Voices for Children with a check for $37,000!!! WOW!!

Thanks to Ashley McCollum for the great photographs!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Ambassador Volunteers!

Our new Ambassadors! Karissa Johnmeyer, Andrew Wipke, Deb Harper,
Sherie Ruter, Laney Dennis & Monica Arredondo

On Thursday, April 8th, Scotty's House welcomed six new Volunteers to its Ambassador Program. Scotty’s House Ambassadors are responsible for representing Scotty’s House at health fairs and other related events by distributing materials and answering questions about our services. Ambassadors may also deliver presentations to various civic groups on behalf of Scotty’s House in order to educate and inform the community about our services. Ambassador Volunteers are required to attend orientation and complete a two-hour training class.
You'll be seeing our awesome Ambassadors out and about in our community soon!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Pinwheel Garden

On Friday, April 9th, staff and volunteers planted a Pinwheel Garden in honor of the 800 child victims of abuse and neglect in the Brazos Valley in 2009. The garden is located on Texas Avenue next to Jacque's Toys and Books in Bryan. We encourage the community to visit the 800 pinwheels in our garden, and to remember that all children deserve the opportunity to experience safe, happy and healthy childhoods.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Go Blue" on Wednesday, April 7th

Last year in the Brazos Valley, there were 800 child victims of abuse or neglect. On Wednesday, April 7th, we urge you to show your commitment to stop child abuse by wearing a blue shirt, dress, tie or ribbon. “Go Blue” to remember these young victims and join us in helping to raise awareness about child abuse in our community.
Report suspected abuse or neglect to the Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-252-5400 or online at

April E-Newsletter

Wanna know about all the exciting things going on at Scotty's House this month? Of course you do! So, take a peek at our latest e-newsletter.
