Tuesday, January 19, 2010

United Way Youth Leadership Volunteers

On Monday, January 18th, the United Way Youth Leadership Cabinet hosted its annual Youth Day of Caring. The overall theme for the day is "A Day On, Not a Day Off" in memoriam of Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle school and high school students spent their day off from school giving back to their community by volunteering to help at local non-profit agencies. Scotty's House would like to thank the wonderful group of students who so graciously donated their time to help clean our playroom and organize our toys. Thank you!

United Way Youth Leadership Members help clean and organize our playroom.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Adam Family Donation

On Wednesday, December 30th, Don Adam donated $50,000 to Scotty's House on behalf of the Adam Family Foundation. The Adam Family has donated a total of $100,000 to our Capital Campaign. The Scotty's House staff and Board of Directors would like to thank Mr. Adam for his generous contributions, and for his continued support of our agency.

Don Adam (right) presents Board President Sheriff Kirk with a check for $50,000