Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Big Thanks for a Big Check!

On Wednesday, December 16th, the Friends of Bubba/Bubba Moore Memorial Group presented Scotty's House with a check for $10,000! WOW!! We are so grateful for the group's continued support of our agency. The Bubba Moore Memorial Group was formed in dedication to William Fowler "Bubba" Moore, who died in 2004. The group donates to several local agencies and individuals in need.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mays Student Groups Make the Grade!

This semester, Scotty's House had the wonderful opportunity to work with three amazing student groups from the Mays Business School at Texas A&M. The assignment for these groups was to work with a local agency to learn what services it provided to the community and develop programs and materials to aid the agency with public awareness and education.
One group focused on Violence in Video Games, another group developed a survey for our Multiple Disciplinary Teams, while another group created a presentation on the link between animal abuse and child abuse. All three groups wowed us with their work, and we are so thankful for the time, energy and talent these students gave to Scotty's House.
The students that developed the presentation detailing the link between animal abuse and child abuse also donated their time to help clean our playroom and rake the blanket of leaves that had covered our yard. In addition, they presented Scotty's House with a check for $1,000 from Hope Technology in Conroe, Texas. Hope Technology is a pet-friendly workplace that donated $250 for each of the four dogs that accompany their owners to work. It was such a thoughtful and unexpected surprise. Thank you!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Spreading the Holiday Cheer!

On Tuesday, November 24th, several jolly student elves from the Hammond-Oliver School for the Human Sciences paid us a visit to spread some holiday cheer! They put up our Christmas Tree and hung our decorations and even decorated all of our doors! Thank you!!